Posts Tagged ‘way’

Raging Ranger

Oh boy it is an angry morning here in the McGee compound. At one time in the not to distant past I would of just exploded with rage all over the page. These days I just suck it down and write about shit that matters to no one, yet it entertains me and that is […]

The Sign Of The Beast

I am pretty sure at this point the world or at least the authorities are aware of my thoughts. I don’t mean that in a paranoid mind control sense. More of a hey we have heard all about this guy and will let karma help us sense. Yesterday was a classic example of what I […]

iMPACT: January 13, 2011.

G’s going big time! Yup, now you can suffer through this TNA review through 3 websites (yeah, I’ll plug myself). Thanks to the wonderful world of iMPACT, I return to describe what I am seeing on my television and what I’m thinking about as it happens…. Tonight is the fallout from Genesis on Sunday. Pretty […]

Luigi Is God

I love this time of year as far as video games are concerned. Nothing major coming out, so I can catch up on my back log. Although that term back log, only applies to some games when you think about it. There are so many games each year I never get to and meant to […]

Wonderpod Highlight Reel, Episode 1

What is going on people? This is PatMan, one of the voices of Wonderpod and I hope that you are all enjoying the new official home for Wonderpod Videogame podcast.  It has come to my attention that some of you may not have downloaded all the  past episodes of Wonderpod or maybe you have  missed a few shows here and there? Not to worry, […]

This Just In(1/8/2011)

Second day of the new website and the first piece of morning news. I have always had it in mind to do something like this. A little blurb to start your day or more accurately my day. While I am calling it news, it will end up being whatever is on my mind when I […]