Wonderpod Episode 138

This weeks wonderpod contains a major error. Namely that I said episode 139 at the top of the show and it is actually episode 139. Sorry about that little fubar folks. Other than that we have an awesome show this week. One of us even broke down and bought new hardware. Oh the humanity!!
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Smackdown 11/30/12: I Liked This Episode. Yes, I Did.

Hopping time, you ready?

Read between the lines.

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PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. The Bowling Dead.

Zombie games are a dime a dozen on the iPhone. And to be perfectly honest I am getting more and more sick of anything to do with Zombies each and every day. So when a new game came out on iOS with Zombies in it a few days ago I was anything but excited. Then, I heard that it was a game where you don’t shoot Zombies but instead you kill them off with a arsenal of  bowling balls as they approach you. This games premise is just about as silly as you could get, but if it had to have zombies in it, at least it was something different. Turns out The Bowling Dead is a fun little distraction of an iOS game that has a scene of humor that most zombie games don’t have. Oh, and of course it is FREE at the time of me posting this, so why not give it a go? Do you like bowling? Do you like zombies?  Well then maybe you will like killing zombies with many magicial bowling balls, some of which explode on contact. You never know until you try. And, of course, you can try for free right now! Check out some screens I took below and see you next time for more “PatMan Picks”  FREE iPhone games!

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Steamed! – A.R.E.S. – Extinction Agenda

A.R.E.S. – Extinction Agenda

Current selling price: $9.99

A.R.E.S., in my opinion, is best described as Metroid, but feels more like Contra, and has RPG elements. Basically you’re a robot for mankind fighting evil robots against mankind. Yeah, the story gets a little more complicated than that, but really that’s all you need to know. It does feel a little awkward not playing with a joystick, but I can’t seem to get mine to work correctly with it for some reason.

All the same, it plays exactly like what a modern run n gun shooter should with the ability to fire in any direction at any given time, having multiple weapons and weapon types available, implementing all kinds of special moves, and with several enemy and boss types. It’s very fun, challenging, and has lots of great visuals and sound design overall.

The best part, I feel, is the price. You get all that for only $10. Pics follow.
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Steamed! – Depths of Peril

Depths of Peril

Current selling price: $14.99

So imagine if the original Diablo was both competitive and timed. That’s Depths of Peril. Granted, saying that alone doesn’t do it justice, but that’s what it is per face value. You represent a leader of a barbarian clan and, throughout the course of a single game, will recruit new members, fulfill quests, defeat or ally with other barbarian clans, establish trade routes, explore, and far more until the game is “won,” which occurs when all remaining clans are established allies or when only one clan remains.

If there were any three things I would complain about in the game it would be things not being explained very well, awkward graphics and animation, and it can be a little too fast-paced at times. See, establishing trade routes and alliances SHOULD be simple, but often the different values of trading are unclear and the computer will often reject anything you throw at it until the computer itself actually makes an offer to you.

The graphics are a minor complaint really, but it does look awkward as fuck at times. As far as the overall game speed, well, keep in mind that you’re basically playing Diablo, but also managing an RTS with various sim elements at play. There’s so much to keep track of all at once that it’s often overbearing. All the same, it’s still a very fun and cheap title that’s well worth checking out. Pictures follow.
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BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 50

Uncensored Attitude Era!

Uncensored Attitude Era!

After another week of wrestling television, including Survivor Series, the crew comes back to talk about it.  Joe, G, JT, and Jorge all settle in to talk about this wonderful world of Sports Entertainment once again.  News topics include Kaitlyn being arrested, when Fandango will be seen, how desperate Lex Luger must be for money, who the most beautiful person in the history of WWE has been, and a pissed off CM Punk wondering why his appearances on AMC’s Talking Dead and the Chicago Turkey Day parade were not promoted better.  All this, and much more!  Tune in!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 50 (MP3, 2:10:50)

This week’s break song is “Greatest Hits” by Sublime.  Pick that up here!

Smackdown 11/23/12

Ahh… Black Friday Night Smackdown. There will be a ton of people not watching, even some that normally would. All six of them. So that just leaves me, the sole viewer of this program to review it for them.


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Wonderpod Episode 137

Come one, come all it’s time for a brand new Wonderpod. We gathered around the ceremonial fires to discuss all things video games. Amazingly while we do that every week, you never know quite what your going to get. Think of it as sticking your hand in a bag and not knowing whats in there. Could be candy, could be a pit viper. This paragraph brought to you by very little sleep and even less coffee. On with the show!
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Wonderpod Crew Plays Halo 4 ( Part 2)

Glasenator, G & PatMan joined forces yet again over X-BOX Live for more Halo 4 online fun, “Wonderpod style”! And as always by “Wonderpod style”, I mean just having fun together, having a few laughs at random gamers expense and enjoying the game. Sure, early on we kicked some serious ass and won some matches by a land slide, pwning some nOObs along the way. But, at other times we were the ones getting cyber spanked by 14 years old twitch gamers. Over all, it was fun and we even had the gamer formally known as “Eleven Puppies” on our team. If you don’t know who that is then you need to listen more frequently to Wonderpod Video Game Podcast!  Anyways, Halo Waypoint is still not working for the purposes of uploading HD screen shots, so once again I am using my iPhone for more blurry picks. Check out the action and fun we had this week below and see you all next time!

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PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games: Pitfall!

It has been a little while since my last free iOS pick and that has been for good reason. You see, all of my limited video game playing time has been focused squarely on Halo 4.  But when I saw that Pitfall! on iOS had dropped to absolutely FREE, I decided to give it a download. Now before you get all retro happy on me know this, Pitfall! is not the original game. It is not a remake but instead an all new game using the Pitfall name. Its pretty good looking and controls well with the touch screen, most of the time. There are caverns to jump across, snakes to whip, caves to explore and vines to grab onto. And a lot of places to run, and maybe by now you guessed what type of game they went with here?  The only problem with Pitfall! it that it is yet another “Temple Run Clone”. That’s right Pitfall! is yet another in the endless wave of “endless runner” games that have swarmed the iOS market in the last 6 or 7 months. So, it is actually a little on the disappointing side that Activision whet this route with the Pitfall franchise, to be honest. But ,on the bright side, it is one of the best looking and most fun “endless runner” or “temple run” clones I have played. So go get downloading the game as I don’t think it will last for free for very long. This may not be your Fathers ( or your own, if you an old fart like me) version of Pitfall, but what IS there is decent fun, albeit in a completely overdone, unoriginal iOS game play type. If you love endless runners, Pitfall! will be one of the best ones for you! Check out some in game screen shots I took below as always! See you next time for more FREE iPhone picks.

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