Posts Tagged ‘john cena’

Matt B. Presents- Cena versus Rock – A Psychic Kids prediction

Once In A Lifetime…… Until Next Year! Hi I’m Matt B. Wrestle and with us today is Bobby L. (Last name withheld to protect identity from Vince’s lawyers). Bobby has a special gift for psychic predictions and has been featured on that show on A&E program Psychic Kids. Why is he here? Well we want […]

WrestleMania XX: Where It All Begins AgainWrestleMania XX: Where It All Begins AgainWrestleMania XX: Where It All Begins Again

ThinkSoJoE over at the BWF begins his WrestleMania countdown as he reviews the prior 8 Granddaddy’s of them All! We kick off our series with WrestleMania XX. Hop on that, pop! Get your article here.

BWF Radio 16BWF Radio 16BWF Radio 16

That’s right, we’re back, and more well produced than ever! ThinkSoJoE, JT, and G discuss this week in professional wrestling, including the effectiveness of The Rock and John Cena’s promos leading up to their showdown at WrestleMania XXVIII, the Undertaker changing dates, A-Train’s rumored return, and much, much more. Right click and save the link […]

BWF Radio 12

Joe, JT, and G are back to discuss the week that was in professional wrestling. Today’s topics include Jesse Sorensen’s injury, Kurt Angle’s Olympic chances, RAW’s bad editing, Impact’s bad booking, and SmackDown’s bad Elimination Chamber sell. We also discuss potential future WrestleMania opponents for The Undertaker, who might possibly attack and replace Santino, and […]

Smackdown: 11/25/11… New Champion?

And here we are… the fallout from the Survivor Series PPV on Sunday… yeah. A new Heavyweight Champion is crowned tonight? Really? Let’s hop to it, shall we? Big props to Al Creed for sending this one my way, and what a better sentiment to represent the WWE’s current fetish?

Power Poll 6/5/11… or so.

The title will be the only sarcastic line. I’ll keep voting, and look at this is a relative position for a while. And that might be for the best as I roll through the most demanding time of the year for my work. So let’s get positive, and check out the results!

WrestleMania 27 Audio Roundtable – wPo (wolfpac) versus BWF

Our Celebration of Professional Wrestling continues! With WrestleMania 27 right around the corner, it wouldn’t take a genius (or a Leaping Lanny Poffo, for that matter) to notice all the content floating around Wonderpod-Online and the Bored Wrestling Fan websites. Amongst all of it, we collectively brought together writers from both websites to discuss this […]

WWE RAW Reflections – 28/03/2011

-Can you smell it in the air?  It’s getting closer and closer.  WRUSSELMUNYA!  It’s the Go-Home RAW, and basically, the Go-Home show for what looks to be the BEST WrestleMania card, top to bottom, in a decade.  And tonight, we get THE Confrontation between The Rock, John Cena AND The Miz.  Does WWE knock this […]

WWE RAW Reflections: 08/03/2011

-Jesus tapdancing CHRIST, how long has it been?  I honestly cannot remember the last time I did this.  5 Months?  Six?  Shit, I’m sorry, guys.  If you REALLY want an explanation, I’ll give it to you:  A few months ago, I started working Tuesdays.  And then, X-Mas hit, and my time to do ANYTHING creative […]

Power Poll for the Week Ending: 03/02/11

This one’s a little late, although I might start shaking up when I put these out as a result of that… see, being a community project by many IWC voters, quite a lot of things create delays. I like to refer to them as “life.” Speaking of life, I’ll animate the gifs for you fine […]