PatMan Picks Free iPhone games. Ultra Dario.

Why do I keep having the words “cease and desist” going through my mind? Oh that’s right , I was checking out the free picks for the day today and came across Ultra Dario, a 2D platform game “inspired” by Super Mario Bros. How  “inspired” you ask? Well, how about blatant rip-off? The game just came out a few days ago and yet today it is now on for absolutely FREE. I am pretty sure that this may be a strong indication of gamers reaction to this iOS  game.  The visuals are decent and the levels thus far are good, but not Super Mario good ( even if it looks very much like Super Mario). The controls are OK but every now and again for some reason the virtual dpad does not respond well to moving right.  And in this 2D platform game, hell MOST games like this, moving right is the most important thing you need to do. Over all, if your interested in FREE iOS platform games ,and have a sense of humor, why not download Ultra Dario. While it is no where near the fun of the classic it imitates, its worth a laugh. This one wont last long on my iPhone. What is left of the Nintendo fanboy in me will make sure of that I am sure.   But hey, its free and worth a look at how similar this game is to the original. Check it out if you want.You know , before it gets taken down. Screens below.

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Sports Shorts

In my continuing effort to talk about sports I give you sports shorts. When there is nothing major I want to talk about. I will just ramble about several topics at once. Kind of like my old Not Tycho News bit only about sports. If a real sports writer or hardcore fan ever reads this crap I may be ultra doomed
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Review MMOs Differently?

I was reading this interview with Star Trek Online executive producer Dan Stahl and Perfect World Entertainment vice president of business development and corporate communications John Young. Most of it was typical industry talk of managing an MMO, but Dan Stahl made one comment that really got me thinking. Should MMO’s be reviewed differently than other games?
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BWF Radio Episode 41

This week, Joe, JT, and G of the Internet discuss Night of Champions and the rest of this week’s wrestling television. The trio ponder the legitimacy and severity of John Cena’s injury, wish JBL luck on his mountain climbing, talk The Corre and Encore, and discuss whether or not it’s classy or low for the WWE to release Jerry Lawler “Long Live The King” shirts in the wake of his near-death experience last week on RAW. All this and much more, tune in!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 41 (MP3, 1:49:01)

The song heard in this week’s podcast is “Radio” by NOFX. You can buy the album this song appears on at this link.

Worms Revolution News Film Trailer

Ah the Worms are back at again. In 2D and just as cheeky as ever. The first Team 17 Worms game to cross my path was way back in the good old days of games. Essentially 10-15 years ago, give or take. The Worms franchise has had a lot of ups and downs since Worms in 1995. I bet anything the fact that you can pick and choose your worms from different classes will get the rip off talk started. Well how many other games have exploding old ladies and sheep? Anyway watch the trailer it will give you a warm fuzzy feeling. In your pants

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Infinite Warrior

Usually, when a game drops in price or even goes free soon after its release it is an indication of a bad title. Or, perhaps it is a decent game but it is filled with annoying bugs. Infinite Warrior is defiantly not a bad title, nor have I encountered any bugs, yet this is the second time that the game has gone free after only weeks since it has been released. The first time was called “a mistake”, yeah right, that was to keep the early adapters that shelled out $2.99 for it days before happy. But for those of you that have not already downloaded this yet you should pick up this fun little action game now. It has some very nice visuals along with good sound and music. When you take a look  at the screens below the game looks  more like a console title, and you may be expecting a lot of it in terms of game play. Turns out Infinite Warrior is actually very simple to play with very easy swipe and tap controls. To be honest, it is almost a little too simple of a touch controlled action game considering its production value, but it is still lots of fun and if your fast enough it is FREE.  Check it out and I will see you all next time for more of my free iOS games worth downloading!

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Lego City Undercover Trailer

I loved what I saw of Lego City Undercover at E3. It was a game that made me far more interested in the Wii U than I was before E3. Of course, there is the chance the game itself won’t be as good as the trailers. Let’s hope that is not true with this game. The humor in this trailer is corny, but hilarious to me. Scheduled to come out holiday 2012, I see it as one of the two or three best games for Wii U in the launch period.

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Iron Fist Boxing 3 HD Edition

Boxing games are hit and miss with me ( SEE what I did there?).  And touch controls for a fighting game can be a little dodgy on iOS (SEE I just did it again!) So when I saw Iron Fist Boxing 3, or whatever the hell it is calling itself, I was not sure how I would like it. But then when it went FREE I gave it a try and I am glad that I did. It is not the best controlling fighter out there, sometimes the buttons are a bit on the non responsive side and you will get the tar beat out of you in a hurry. But, it works OK for short bursts of gaming and it is fun enough. The visuals are very nice on my iPhone and the game has a little bit of almost a Punch Out vibe to it, although the game is not as addictive. Still,  it is a  pretty fun fighter with nice visuals and a free( for now) price tag, so check out some screens below and download it!

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PatMan Picks: Free iPhone games.Don’t Run with a Plasma Sword.

It is the weekend once again and as you enjoy the first days of fall why not check out some more FREE iOS titles. As always they are limited time offers so get downloading. This time I am playing “Don’t Run with a Plasma Sword”, which is actually don’t run with a lightsaber to be honest. It is a fun little action/platform game where you will be jumping, slashing and sliding your way across futuristic locations in retro style. There are some decent boss characters as well. It is actually pretty fun and well worth your time this weekend. Especially at its cost of, well, nothing. I wonder if George Lucas would like the game? So, before he gets it taken down by the power of the force, go play it. The controls are good, it plays very simply ( which is what all iPhone games need to do) and its fun. Enjoy the game, enjoy the weekend and check out a few screens below. See you all next time!

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Smackdown 09/21/12

Sigh. What can I say? Night of Champions was actually really good. Nobody had a near-death experience on RAW, you would think all is right in the world. But sadly no, see the NHL is locked out. Yes, this is a wrestling site, true. But, man I share the sentiments of many fans who have disdain for both the owners and the players stealing the NHL from us over greed. Terrible. Perhaps Smackdown will lift my spirits? Perhaps some one might show up on the program we haven’t seen in a while? Let’s hop to it, shall we?
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