Posts Tagged ‘vg’

The Fantastic World of Japanese Games – Episode 3

Far too often a game simply won’t be released in America because…well, it’s predecessor failed. Now for me, this is never acceptable, but I do understand. If a game has a huge following in Japan AND it’s an RPG, but it doesn’t really take off in America, they’re more likely to continue the series in […]

The Fantastic World of Japanese Games – Episode 2

When playing Japanese SNES games on an emulator, often there are obvious and not so obvious reasons why a game may not have come out to America. The best way to think about it is was it an RPG, did it have suggestive themes, and did it have any sort of following here in America? […]

The Fantastic World of Japanese Games – Episode 1

People who understand emulation, even to a small degree, know all about the fantastic world of translated games that never left Japan. Most of the time it was for reasons like RPGs not selling well in America at the time, more mature content than they felt an American audience was ready for, or simply having […]

Adventure Game of the Year – 1996

There are 18 games this year. Let’s go! There are 18 games this year. Let’s go! There are 18 games this year. Let’s go!

Adventure Game of the Year – 1994

Surprisingly, this year there were only 10 games and only about half of them were good. This was also the year of the second worst King’s Quest game ever, the absolute worst being Mask of Eternity. It was a tough call for the #3 spot also. #2 and #1 were pretty easy to pick, though. […]

Adventure Game of the Year – 1993

Adventure Game of the Year – 1993 There are 21 games. This is a huge year for adventure games and if you already know about most of these, you’ll see why this was a ridiculous hard choice to make for top 3.

Adventure Game of the Year – 1991

There were 13 games this year. This is a year where I start to see more and more that I’m familiar with, yet the top 3 are still fairly obvious. Hopefully it won’t become too hard restricting myself to just 3 a year, but…well, I mostly did that because of 1999, which depresses me, so […]

Adventure Game of the Year – 1990

This time around I will changing things up a bit. I will only be doing a top 3 for each year and I’m hoping that will suffice as some years have barely any adventure titles released. I’m also trying to be as accurate as possible, which is proving to be difficult considering most of these […]