Posts Tagged ‘planet’

Wonderpod Episode 139

Things on this week’s Wonderpod went whacky. We debated whether aliens are really here and are they in charge. I’m kidding we talked about video games and made poop jokes. There might even been a serious moment or two. Hopefully you’ll forgive us for the quick business news. Enjoy the show

The Fantastic World of Japanese Games – Episode 3

Far too often a game simply won’t be released in America because…well, it’s predecessor failed. Now for me, this is never acceptable, but I do understand. If a game has a huge following in Japan AND it’s an RPG, but it doesn’t really take off in America, they’re more likely to continue the series in […]

Something A Little Different

I am sitting here trying to decide what to write. Which is a little odd for me as I normally just let it pour out and clean up afterward. I like to think of these posts as my one chance to just ramble about what I want and let the audience decide what to make […]

FPS of the Year – 1994

This is a BIG year, but I think getting movies for all the games and briefly going over them, while it creates more work for me, is a better way of going about this. Sure, it means the article is HUGE, but unless I’m told it’s also BORING, I’m going to keep doing this so […]