PatMan Plays: Kinect Sports Season 2.

 Welcome, it is  time again for another “shaky cam” PatMan plays video, this time Kinect style! Watch as I mess a round with Kinect Sports Season 2. I have not owned the game for very long however I am enjoying it very much. The game made it all they way to number 7 on my 10 most favorite games of 2011 list right here at Wpod, right in-between heavy hitters Gears Of War 3 & Halo Anniversary. Kinect Sports Season 2 has improved on the already accurate motion controls of the first game while also adding accurate voice recognition. You can now can “call plays” in Football ,pick clubs in Golf and more using your voice and it woks well. While its true that not everyone enjoys motion gaming, those of us that do will enjoy Kinect Sports Season 2. Now, lets check out some of my very early gameplay. Personally I am a big fan of the Skiing and the Football. Darts, on the other hand looks like something I need to work on, as you will see in the video below. See you next time right here at Wpod,  keep on enjoying your favorite video games and have fun people !
[youtube oMTb_cefPdo]

Smackdown 01/06/12: Mr. Warrior? Mark Henry Commentates…

So Randall Keith Orton may be rushing back to action sooner than expected. Even though he describes his injury as “leaking” in his spine. Not a wise move, “Mr.” Viper. So now that that’s cleared up, time for Smackdown. Let’s hop to it, shall we?

Finally got me a new 3DS!

I’ll even post some Power Poll results at the end of the article, just because… take a wild guess who made number 1?

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Pintnoir’s Impact Wrestling Review 1/5/12

Welcome back. After having help last week from Matt B. Wrestle, I’ve decided to return and review this weeks Impact. The final impact before Genesis TNA’s opening PPV. And I’ll be happy to report I kinda didn’t like it as a lead into Genesis I was basically bored by the events but it could be that I’m an old man by wrestling fan status (27) and feel like I’ve seen it all. Lets begin.

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Wonderpod Episode 92

Wonderpod is alive and well. We all enjoyed our brief hiatus and it shows. The main point of this episode was to make predictions for the coming year. While we accomplished the goal you will notice a theme through out the show. Feel free to look at the hilarious results of said theme at the bottom of the post. I will warn you they are not, I repeat not safe for work.

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Stupid Shit Non-Gamers Say About Videogames

Above: not really a gamer.

Playing videogames isn’t quite the same as it used to be, but maybe that’s a good thing. People that don’t game at all that happen to stumble across our hobby seem to mistake videogames for an actual sport, kiddie toy, the devil, or many, many other things. These are things I’ve heard over the years and my thoughts on them.

Above: not really a gamer.

Playing videogames isn’t quite the same as it used to be, but maybe that’s a good thing. People that don’t game at all that happen to stumble across our hobby seem to mistake videogames for an actual sport, kiddie toy, the devil, or many, many other things. These are things I’ve heard over the years and my thoughts on them.

Above: not really a gamer.

Playing videogames isn’t quite the same as it used to be, but maybe that’s a good thing. People that don’t game at all that happen to stumble across our hobby seem to mistake videogames for an actual sport, kiddie toy, the devil, or many, many other things. These are things I’ve heard over the years and my thoughts on them.
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Biff Zongo: People Suck!

Fredrik: I actually really enjoyed movies like “Das Leben der Anderen”, “Good Bye, Lenin!” and some of the films of Werner Herzog. So I’m not dissing German art house cinema. No one in this comic is really mean on purpose, it’s just different strokes for different folks.

Relatives buy noisy toys to my 2-year-old ALL the time. Last Christmas my mother-in-law bought an extremely noisy plush dog (almost gave me a stroke). And some one bought him a damn microphone!! (Like a megaphone but also armed with horrible music and singing).

This Christmas my dad bought a noisy toy drilling machine and a noisy toy train!!
Lord have mercy on my ears! :-D

FPS of the Year – 2002

This was a great year, but it was hard to select a #1. There are 32 games this year and many of them I would highly recommend…with one I’d say just avoid altogether and try to forget it even exists. Let’s hop right in!


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PatMan Picks. Favorite 10 Video Games of 2011. ( Part 2)

Welcome back to my personal and favorite games list for 2011. Just like last time these games are taken only from the ones I actually played, not what I might think “deserve” to be on the top 10.  I have played and enjoyed games this year where I broke peoples spines while watching them vomit blood, drove underwater in a cute Go-Kart as a big ape and engaged in modern military combat with the latest high tech weapons of destruction. I also have chain sawed my enemies in half , returned to the mushroom kingdom yet again to save the princess and swiped my hands and arms in the air like a complete fool in my living room. Simply put, I dont care what system or type of game I play, my favorite games of the year are exactly what video games are all about , and that is having F U N.  I hope you enjoyed my choices of 10-6 last time and now its on to my personal top 5. I have to admit, numbers 3-1 could really be in any order here to be honest, that’s how much entertainment I had with them and how good they are. Now, on to the final 5!


The 25 Best Wrestlers on Television, 2011

Four years running, it’s time for the 25 Best Wrestlers on Television!  This year, like no other year before it in a long, long while, saw some of the most captivating, business-changing, entertaining wrestlers and moments on Television.  For those of you reading this list for the first time, the criteria is simple: I only consider wrestlers that have been showcased on North American television in the calendar year.  However, this year, I am making one unprecedented exception…

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PatMan Picks. Favorite 10 Video Games of 2011.( Part 1)

If you have not listened to our year end episode of wonderpod (91) , you have missed out on a lot of “top games” discussions. We talk about our personal favorites of 2011 including best down loadable games, game audio and overall top 3 for the year. It got me thinking about the games I missed, the ones that I have played and enjoyed this year but didn’t get into my personal top 3 for the show. So, I decided to make a top 10 list of my personal favorite games this year. I have to mention that I have not played some of the biggest titles of the year such as Skyrim and Zelda mainly because I am not into RPG’s and, sadly, I have not had any reason to even plug my dust covered Wii in for the last 12 months. So, my personal list is based on only what I have had the time to actually PLAY this year, not what I think the best titles should be this year. It will likely differ considerably from your own  personal top choices, so  feel free to comment in anyway you wish, defending your personal top choice or agreeing with mine. So why don’t we get this started.