PatMan Picks TI99/4a Favorites. Munch Man.

One of my all time favorite video games and characters for that matter is the legendary Pac-Man. To this day this action/puzzle game is still simple, addictive fun. However, back in the early days of home video games and early PC gaming, developers just could not make a great port for this arcade classic. As a matter of fact, most of the early Pac-Man ports turned out to be noticeably very slow, sounding nothing like the arcade version and probably gave children seizures. Of course the most disastrous version of Pac Man ever created was the absolute shit port on the 2600, but there were other poor ports that soon followed. Then I discovered Munch Man on the TI99/4a. Munch Man is obviously a Pac-Man clone, yet it was better than most of the Pac-Man ports that were available. The title was superior in visuals, game speed and audio when compared to many of the original attempts at home Pac-Man games. Munch Man also controlled very smoothly and, most importantly, was a very fun game to play. Originally the game was planned to eat the chains in the exact same fashion that the legendary Pac Man would eat those famous dots, however a decision was made late in the games development to create the chains and link them together instead, in essence doing the opposite of what Pac Man did. It was said that this decision was made to avoind any potential lawsuits that could occur regarding the games obvious similarities to Pac-Man. I really loved playing this game as a kid, especially the” invisible levels” which made for great fun. Although obviously a clone of Pac-Man, the truth is Munch Man was at its time a better video game experience than most home ports of the classic it was inspired by. It was one of my most played games on the TI99/4a way back in my early days of gaming.

[youtube VOEhGhWWPIY]

Impact Review- 12/29/2011 A Special Matt B. Wrestle Review

Hi folks this is Matt B. here to go over Impact for Thursday. Why? You say. We’ll tonight features a Knockout Title Match..wait for it…as the Main Event of the show. So I got down and dirty and beat Pintnoir to the punch since he’s busy with family and what not. So not only will we see The Women’s Sufferage Movement move forward to the 21th century, (because well there still behind Chikara when it comes to featuring powerhouse female talent.) JoshiMania anyone. Welcome to Impact Dec. 29th

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Smackdown 12/30/11

Let’s just get this out of the way, if you like Randy Orton… pay high attention to his involvement on Smackdown tonight since it’s the last time you are going to see him for possibly half a year.

Word on the interwebs is that he is suffering a problem with a disc in his spine, and if the six month window is accurate, will also miss WrestleMania.

I think that this bodes well for Smackdown, however, as it will force the WWE to attempt to elevate guys into and towards a top face role on the program. Both Zack Ryder, and inevitably, Dolph Ziggler can benefit. But enough about speculation, let’s hop to it, shall we?

Oh yeah, Brock Lesnar just retired from the UFC tonight… hmm…

Maybe? Perhaps?

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PUCK YOU! Season 3, Episode 2 (Part 2)


Hello hockey fans! PUCK YOU! has returned to wrap up the second half this our second installment of the season. The only way we could be more efficient, is to pull off an “Ilya Kovalchuk” and somehow find a way to give Carolina Hurricane goalie Cam Ward a free statistical goal…
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Oh Look, Yet Another Game Of The Year Blog..

As the title suggests, this is another Game Of The Year blog. Hi, I’m your freelance writer, you may not remember me from such posts that started with ‘The War On..’, and they may return, but this is as the title says.. a Game Of The Year blog. Different in the sense, that the games mentioned may not have been released in the past 12 months, but have occupied my 2011 so much that they get a mention. So it’s less of a Game Of The Year blog, and more of a What I Liked blog.. (DISCLAIMER: This needs mentioning before I go on, all the games mentioned below are games that I have played. So don’t complain if you don’t see Call Of Duty, MW2, Battlefield 3 or Gears Of War 3, because I haven’t played them. Nor do I want to)

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Biff Zongo: The Evil Eel

Fredrik: Suddenly i feel the urge french kiss a car battery.

PUCK YOU! Season 3, Episode 2 (Part 1)


Hello hockey fans! PUCK YOU! has returned for another installment! We are about 1/3 of the way into the 2011 – 2012 NHL season, and it is time to address what hockey fans think about a number of issues and events that have occurred. It’s going to be controversial, as always, and as exciting as watching a bunch of 9 year old kids from Kazakhstan brawl!
Click below for part one of this installment of PUCK YOU!. Part 2 will be online on Friday, December 30, 2011.
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PatMan “Plays” 3DS Swapnote. Starring members of the Wpod crew!

Welcome once again to another “shaky cam” PatMan plays video. This time around I am less playing and more watching as I mess around with the latest free app for Nintendo 3DS users, Swapnote ! In the last few days I have been receiving some cool 3D messages, pictures and drawings from members of the Wpod crew, so while I sit at home recovering from the massive amount of food I have ingested during the holidays, I decided to share some of these “swapnotes” with you all. Of course, the 3D effect can not be seen without an actual 3DS. And it is the use of 3D that really makes the drawings and pictures that I have received both unique and cool. The best part of Swap notes is that its free, and as you have heard me say time and time again on Wonderpod Video game podcast,  “If its Free, its for ME” !  So, check out some of the early notes that Jonkind & Glasenator , 2 of the voices from Wonderpod video game podcast, have created will ya?  Tell us what YOU have created and sent to your friends using swapnote!

[youtube mYjjHXjJMIM]

PatMan Picks TI99/4a Favorites: Star Trek.

While I consider myself for the most part to be a console gamer, it would be very inaccurate to say I haven’t enjoyed my fair share of classic science fiction PC titles. And if  I go even further back in time as a kid, I also enjoyed a few of these titles on the TI994a home computer as well. One title that I really remember being impressed with for its time was Star Trek. While most Star Trek games don’t impress me at all, especially that old adventure game on PC, this one was based on a sit down vector graphics arcade game I used to pump quarters into at the local mall. So, when I had the ability to play it at home it was just amazing. Considering the age of this game and the lack of processing power of the TI994a, Star Trek ran both very smoothly and looked pretty good. The sound abilities in the game, especially the voice synthesizer, were beyond impressive when compared to other systems that were out at that same time in video game history. I enjoyed the split screen game play and using 2 points of view was very helpful as the game progressed. I must have spent more time looking at the top map screen while playing the later and  much more challenging levels. Star Wars, and especially its video games, will always rule over Star Trek in my memories as a kid growing up. However, this particular Star Trek title could stand with the best Star Wars games I played at its time.

[youtube PulPRIU2hbM]

Patman Picks N64 Favorites: 1080 Snowboarding

Living in Canada, you would think I am a fan of winter sports.And to be fair, I have skied down Rocky Mountains and ice skated around the Olympic oval, trying not to stare at speed skaters oddly shaped legs. But, I grew up just not really being into most winter sports, unless snow ball fights, building forts of ice and tobogganing count! So it was kind of surprising when I bought a snowboarding game on the N64, but boy did I ever like it.1080 Snowboarding was a great combination of racing and stunting. It also had for its time some of the most crisp and clear graphics of any racing title. The same developers who created the amazing Wave Race also developed 1080, and you could tell the quality similarities. Controls were great and the physics were well done for the time, it actually felt like you were racing down a mountain cutting into the snow. The competitive racing on mountains and the stunt mode with  its half pipes and massive jumps made this game one of my favorite racing titles on the N64. Now, if I could actually tell what the hell they are trying to sing in that intro song…