Posts Tagged ‘man’

Wonderpod Extra Cut (story)

Audiomaster G asked a very interesting question during the last podcast. I suggest you go and listen to the show and hear it for yourself. In case your to lazy to do that let me lay it out for you. Basically we were given a list of games that one person felt didn’t need a […]

Pintnoir’s Impact Wrestling Review 9-29

Here I am to take over the Impact Wrestling review. Boy do I have my work cut out for me. No Barkley or Daffney to assist. Sorry Daff, but the drunk tank you will stay

Meditations on Strikeforce

I guess I should explain what I’m doing. I won’t really do a linear recap. You’ll be able to find many great recaps. These are just my meditations and reflections of the weekend that was.

Sports Games or Game Sports?

Hey I am going to give this writing thing a try. Might as well kill off what little traffic we get from all the stellar game trailers. Okay so I might be joking, but in reality writing does not bring in the hits. Especially if I am the one doing the bloody writing. Well that […]

Swamp Thing and how 80’s comics redefined a genre.

Or how Alan Moore saved this kid from abandoning comics senior year. The year was 2002, 2nd semester, a young impressionable young man was finally calling it quits on Super-hero comics. WHY? you ask. Because after years of sitting around watching as the assorted heroes would rehash the same tired battles, have earth shattering moments […]

Wonderpod Episode 64

Due to the possibility that the world ends tomorrow this could be the final Wonderpod. More than likely we will be here next week, Unless Jesus takes the internet with him, and then we are probably screwed. The show would have been up sooner, but I hated the banner I made late last night. This […]

Pintnoir’s Free Comic Day Experience

Comics. For some of us it was our first reading experience, laying on the bed and cracking open the newest adventure of Spider-man, Batman or Spawn. I was one of those kids, I normally contribute writings to movie/television reviews and being apart of the dreaded Internet Wrestling Community, but my one true love is comics. […]

TCR Comix: An Internal Struggle

I am a very conflicted young man. Right now, Canada is going through a Federal Election, there’s a certain part of my brain, a part that used to govern much more of my personality than it does now, keeps telling me “THERE IS AN ELECTION GOING ON RIGHT NOW, YOU SHOULD GIVE A SHIT, MAN!”  […]

Wonderpod Episode 58

Well hello there, did you miss us? That’s right Wonderpod is back and slightly better than two weeks ago. We had another episode 50 moment and well shit happens. We think we got the problem sorted for good this time. So we gathered last night and talked about video games. I was very tired during […]

Wonderpod Episode 53

It is once again time for Wonderpod. We are using a Russian roulette method to choose hosts. So far it has worked rather well. We may need to get a larger pool of potential host, but will set fire to that bridge when we get to it. Wow I am really losing it with introductions. […]