Archive for the ‘Not Tycho News’ Category

Monday!! Monday!! Monday!!

Long entertaining weekends make Monday all that much more painful. It is still early in the morning so I have no evidence to support that claim per say. It is entirely possible much like an over used fat orange cat I just Loathe Mondays. Given the antics of last week maybe it is time to […]

Epic Fail

Normally I write this aware winning post in the morning. I suck down a cup of black as night coffee and write. I have been assured that this post is read by millions. Today’s post is going to be a departure from that format. I am writing this after a very bad day, the only […]

This and That

Ah Thursday, the day before the day we all care about. Wonderpod record’s tonight and if you have any questions for the crew, feel free to ask in comments. We like to hear from the audience, it makes us feel special. Although we missed a question  a week or so back from a facebook user. […]

Crysis Tough

Well the week is flying by and it’s closer to the recording of Wonderpod. For once I am happy about it as there are things a foot for this weekend. I am normally not a social guy, but a few times a year I do like to attend some events and catch up with people […]

Video Games Are Good

Tuesday morning, almost the end of January. Where did the bloody month go already. I know where it went, work and video games. Speaking of video games, Both the Bullet Storm and Crysis 2 demos drop today. I will be playing both and might even give you an impressions post or something. On top of […]

Bull For Sale

Good Monday morning to you fine people in Internet land. Feeling like a truck hit me and then backed up to finish the job. Sadly this week will prove to be the busiest one of the new year. Oh well sleep is for the weak and the lazy. Several things are buzzing around my brain […]

One More For The G Man

Well good morning to you fine people of Wonderpod-Online. I am currently working on the podcast and writing this at the same time. Now that is what I call multitasking and it is all for you. The podcast recording went great last night. It seems whenever we record a good show that there is always […]

Disaster Delivered Daily

Hello there if your just joining us for the first time this morning I am very very sorry. I was working on the site and destroyed it. G is currently plotting my death. I am pretty sure he told me he was going to use zombie children. In an effort to make you feel at […]

Raging Ranger

Oh boy it is an angry morning here in the McGee compound. At one time in the not to distant past I would of just exploded with rage all over the page. These days I just suck it down and write about shit that matters to no one, yet it entertains me and that is […]

The Sign Of The Beast

I am pretty sure at this point the world or at least the authorities are aware of my thoughts. I don’t mean that in a paranoid mind control sense. More of a hey we have heard all about this guy and will let karma help us sense. Yesterday was a classic example of what I […]