Archive for the ‘Not Tycho News’ Category

Foggy And Cold

Good Monday morning to you all. Most of you in the US probably have the day off, so enjoy it. I am not sure how you will enjoy it, when you consider a good portion of the country is snow bound. I got a lot of my little mind this morning and some of it […]

Morning Brick

Well we have come to the first full week of Wonderpod-Online. While I wouldn’t call our first week spectacular, things appear to be falling in place. Just a little note to you hardcore fans of my morning posts. I will not be posting them on Saturday and Sunday. Instead I will thrill you with stuff […]

Luigi Is God

I love this time of year as far as video games are concerned. Nothing major coming out, so I can catch up on my back log. Although that term back log, only applies to some games when you think about it. There are so many games each year I never get to and meant to […]

To Much Bloody Coffee

Oh man I am little sore and feeble this morning. I normal feel the same as I did when I was eighteen until I crash and burn. My body lets me know within twelve hours that I am in fact not eighteen anymore. Sore ribs and a sore elbow is what I battle this morning. […]

Insomnia Killer

This is one of those messy mornings. Tired and a bit cranky from work already this week. Quickly let me congratulate the university of Auburn on winning the national championship last night in Arizona. You Oregon ducks shouldn’t hang your heads much. You played an excellent game too. I never thought I would cover this […]

A Tired Mind Speaks

Yesterday at work I believe solved the problem of do nothing career politicians in American government. The process is simple instead these silly elections we just make it like jury duty. That’s right select people at random to go run the country for say ten days. We would only pay them a small fee so […]

Shovelface News (1/9/11)

I have written three introductions for this news post and hated every one of them. Starting is always the hardest part for me in doing these. I know there are things to be said that should entertain or annoy you the gentle reader. Yet kick)ing the whole mess off has always been the problem. Should […]

This Just In(1/8/2011)

Second day of the new website and the first piece of morning news. I have always had it in mind to do something like this. A little blurb to start your day or more accurately my day. While I am calling it news, it will end up being whatever is on my mind when I […]