Summerslam 2011 BWF Podcast!

On Tuesday, G of Wonderpod Online participated in a Bored Wrestling Fan round-table discussing this Sunday’s WWE PPV event, Summerslam. We ran down the announced matches, and speculate a little on those hinted at and likely to appear.

You can download this (as well as our other wrestling related podcasts via iTunes here. Or if you would prefer, you can access the direct mp3 file through this page.

Not Exactly A Kid Friendly Kinect Title , Rise Of Nightmares Looks Hilarious.

I haven’t really been following SEGA and Rise Of Nightmares on Kinect at all.  So, when I got a look at this trailer a few days ago for the first time it was a very nice change of pace from what I have been seeing on the Kid friendly motion device. I hope the game works out well, as we need a good few adult games for Kinect ,to be honest. I really came out with 2 opinions after watching the trailer. The first, its absolutely brutal , violent and bloody. The second and most important, its hilarious and looks like a lot of motion controlled fun!  I officially now have this title on my radar for Kinect. Games like these often are very short in length, and thats my primary concern, however it still looks like its going to be some hilarious, adult fun! I will just have to make sure that when the nephews come over that this is one Kinect game they don’t put in my Xbox!

[youtube CxbHmoKWl-w]

PatMan Picks Retro PC games. Raptor Call Of The Shadows

Welcome to another episode of the semi popular segment, PatMan Picks classic PC games. My pick for this week is a title that I actually didn’t play until a good few years after it was released in stores. I remember finding the demo for Raptor Call Of The Shadows on a PC magazine CD. It was a “best of issue” and the CD had many game demos from the previous 5 years or so, some of which I had already played and purchased while others like Raptor, I had not even heard of. So, it was with great surprise that I discovered as I played this top down shooter that I really enjoyed the game. Obviously, I  had played top down shooters in the past, mostly in arcades so I knew the game play was going to be pretty fun, but there was “something” about Raptor Call Of The Shadows that I just couldn’t put my finger on that I really liked when I played the shareware for the first time. Maybe it was the arcade style gameplay on my PC, maybe it was the very pretty visuals for its time, or maybe it was the music. Whatever it was, I knew that I had to  buy the game after playing the demo. The problem was, as I stated earlier, it was a good 2 or 3 years old by the time I discovered this title. As a result I spent several weeks searching for it in used game stores, yes they sold used PC games back in those days, until I found a copy. This really was a perfect example of how shareware worked back in the classic days of DOS PC games. You would come across a shareware demo, install it on your PC and then after playing the lengthy demo go look for the full version if you were satisfied. Raptor Call Of The Shadows was a retro PC classic that I initially came across completely by chance , however, I am very glad I took the time to play it as I still have fond memories shooting it up on my good old 486 !

[youtube Up9-Yatm0Jk]

PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. The British Bulldogs vs Cuban Commandos.

I loved watching tag team wrestling as a kid as there were some amazing and entertaining tag teams in many territories. Teams like the Road Warriors, Can Am connection, Killer Bees, Nikolai Volkoff & The Iron Sheik and the Hart Foundation top my list of top tag teams from the past. However one tag team sits above them all, even the mighty Road Warriors, as my personal all time favorite team. That team is the British Bulldogs. By the time the British Bulldogs reached the WWF they had already competed along side and often against each other many times in classic Stamped Wrestlings encounters. While their popularity (and bodies) grew bigger and bigger in the WWF, I already had a strong admiration for them and knew just how talented they were. After an exciting title run in the WWF only to lose the titles ironically to yet another Stampede Wrestling alumni tag team by the name of the The Hart Foundation, Davey Boy and Dynamite soon went to Japan for a successful tour of the orient and finally returned, full circle, back to Stampede Wrestling. By this time the combination of steroid abuse and brutal back injuries were really taking a lot out of the Dynamite Kid both inside and outside the ring. The British Bulldogs days as a team were numbered. Davey Boy would soon embark on a successful singles career returning to the WWF, WCW and even back in Stampede upon occasion. Lets look at one of the last matches for this legendary tag team as they compete for the Stampede Tag Team belts held by the evil and chronically cheating Cuban Commandos! Its a ring-a-ding-dong-dandy!

[youtube ogF4Q3ADFaI]

Smackdown: 08/05/11. Very Good Episode… sorta.

Well first off, before we get down to the wrestling… unless you’ve missed it… there are five wrestlers who you will not see on Smackdown tonight (or any other WWE broadcasting) as they’ve been future endeavored. These would be Melina Perez, Gail Kim, Vladimir Kozlov, Chris Masters, and Harry “DH” Smith. Of the lot, I wouldn’t be shocked to see at least one of these people show up in TNA at some point.

Let’s get onto Smackdown then, shall we? Looks like we’ve got seven matches on the slate, which is fine by me.

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Wonderpod Episode 74

This weeks Wonderpod is brought to you by. The exhausted and the mentally bankrupt. This show came out excellent considering at least two of us were really out of it. In case your super curious I am the mentally bankrupt one. Like you didn’t already know that. We did get around to discussing games.

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IMPACT Wrestling 8/4/11

I skip this show every week for the past 9 months, then show up at random to review it.  That’s how ThinkSoJoE’s IMPACT review works!

Hmm.   What channel is Spike TV again?  Ah, there it is, 895.
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Retropod – Episode 5

Hold onto your pants lest I come relieve you of them, it’s time for more Retropod! We’ve been suspiciously absent lately, and for good reason I assure you. Read and listen on!
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So I don’t know if you guys ever read any of the Harry Potter series, but for my generation it’s sort of a big deal.  I literally grew up with J.K. Rowling’s novels.  The first one came out when I was only 6, before I could even read well; so my mom would read a few pages of it to me every night before I went to bed.  Eventually I learned to read (thank goodness) and waited in anticipation for each new book.  I’d like to think that a lot of my critical thinking and reading skills came from reading those big books at such a young age.  The release of each new book was always a big deal, and grew bigger each time.  But with the last movie over and done with, it seemed for a little while that the story was finally done, no more Harry.  But earlier this summer J.K. Rowling announced this thing called Pottermore.  Here I’ll let her explain.

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Angry Birds Invasion

Seriously, these guys were everywhere at all three theme parks I went to in the past week.  I didn’t realize how much of a phenomena the game was until I saw more kids that recognized the different colored birds than the Pikachu dolls at the next booth over, crazy.  And no, I was not skilled enough to try to win one.

Here’s the rest of the album: