Posts Tagged ‘CM Punk’

Smackdown: 09/30/11

What’s up? Looks like I am reviewing Smackdown for the foreseeable future, which is a nice change of scenery for me. Granted, I still tune into Impact Wrestling, at times one feels like they are writing the same thing week in and week out. So I we shuffle the deck at the BWF, the subsequent […]

Smackdown: 09/23/11

Since my DVR selectively chose not to record Impact last night, I opted to give Smackdown a chance. Did it record? I hope so, but you wouldn’t be reading this sentence if it did not. Probably the biggest story, or strongest, is that Mark Henry won the title from Orton last Sunday. It took him […]

“CM Punk Is Not Impressed”

What’s going on Wonderpod Online Dot Com readers? Well, that Punk, CM, is at it again. He’s entering into another one of those memes just like the one I brought to you a while back with his “Punking” antics, with the article entitled: “Punking” is naturally better than “Planking” And this one… well, this is […]

Impact Wrestling: 08/18/11

Wow, what a show. In the last little while Impact has managed to defy logic in many ways, from turning Mr. Anderson from face to heel like he’s a bouncing rubber ball… they’ve tossed the championship back and forth, and built up further the feud between Hulk “Can Barely Walk” Hogan and Heath Farley… and […]

Impact Wrestling: 08/11/11

Impact had one of their Steal-A-Views on Sunday, and I’m told it sucked… hard, actually. Nothing notable happened outside of Heath Farley lost his title to Kurt Angle in part to Hulk Hogan tossing a steel chair into the ring while the referee was getting a pretzel from the concessions.

“Punking” is naturally better than “Planking”

I’m not going to rant here. I’m an old guy when it comes to “What All the Kids Are Doing.” Seems that we’ve heard all about planking. Lying down all flat and being a plank. Pretty cool stuff. Or so I’m told. Looks awesome! Generally I would never endorse any of this, as it’s not […]

Impact Wrestling: 07/28/2011

Whoop dee do. It’s time for Impact Wrestling… remember how the weeks leading up to Destination X were really good shows, and promising that TNA was turning things around? Me neither. Let’s hop to this, I suppose.

Impact Wrestling: 07/21/11

Bah… I’m not doing uber awesome today, or this week post Sunday for that matter. Went a little to hard at the Calgary Stampede, then caught the Money in the Bank PPV later… still feeling it days later. Must be getting old, I suppose, so I should fit right in with the majority of the […]

Impact Wrestling 07/14/11

Hot off the heels of Sunday’s Destination X PPV, Impact Wrestling is set to follow up with something dubbed “A Midsummer’s Nightmare,” or so we’ve been told by Heath Farley last week. For those of you that have already read spoilers… well… let’s just get to this.

Impact Wrestling: 07/07/11

Back on Thursdays, is this G here. Yep, another week of craziness bookended by a long weekend up North and down South… which included all the drama of the NHL free agent frenzy. But you don’t care about holidays or hockey, no valued reader. You want to know what happened over in Orlando… and who […]