The Fan Art Of Wonderpod!

We here at wonderpod videogame podcast are both proud of and really appreciate our group of listeners. We certainly understand that we are not affiliated with any popular and massive video game site, nor  do we have a famously known name by any means, yet it is still absoultly great to receive feedback from our listeners. Especially when that feed back comes in the form of art. I know that I personally am very happy and surprised to see the art work that was created by wonderpod listeners over the time span of our first season. I enjoyed the work so much, in fact, that I will be showcasing last years “Fan Art” right here for everyone to see and enjoy as we have. Please continue to read on as I showcase some of our wonderpod  fan artist  fine work from last year.  If we are lucky, I hope to see more cool stuff this second season as well !

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Saturday (re)post

As I stated yesterday in my morning ramble post, today and tomorrow will be re-post day’s. I was going to start with a story series I wrote for the Morphine Nation, until another of my favorites came up in an Xbox Live chat last night. This little tale, started as a parody of another post and became so much more to me. I rarely laugh while writing, but a lot of this had me chuckling. Enjoy your Saturday and enjoy my little origin tale.

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Power Poll: 1/13/11

Oh how things can change in one weeks time! Once again I return to bring you this week’s power poll. Sadly, I am a little strapped for time and this will not be an animated gif version of the article. However, it will still be a nice look at the IWC’s perception of the top stars amongst the contributing websites.
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Wonderpod Episode 48

It is Friday and time for this week’s Wonderpod. This weeks show was a little messy and off the rails at times. We had our special guest from last week on for a while, then he was eaten by a gator. Saddened, but resilient the rest of the crew pressed forward talking about things.

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Morning Brick

Well we have come to the first full week of Wonderpod-Online. While I wouldn’t call our first week spectacular, things appear to be falling in place. Just a little note to you hardcore fans of my morning posts. I will not be posting them on Saturday and Sunday. Instead I will thrill you with stuff from an archive of MN work I found. I have yet to make up my mind what exactly you’ll get, but I know quite a bit of it will be fiction work.
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iMPACT: January 13, 2011.

G’s going big time! Yup, now you can suffer through this TNA review through 3 websites (yeah, I’ll plug myself). Thanks to the wonderful world of iMPACT, I return to describe what I am seeing on my television and what I’m thinking about as it happens…. Tonight is the fallout from Genesis on Sunday. Pretty much every title changed hands, and Jeff “Jailbird Junkie” Hardy dropped the title to an asshole.

Plus, I totally sold out and started selling advertisement time in these things via McDonald’s.
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Luigi Is God

I love this time of year as far as video games are concerned. Nothing major coming out, so I can catch up on my back log. Although that term back log, only applies to some games when you think about it. There are so many games each year I never get to and meant to play. A lot times I just forget about them entirely. The current game I am battling my way through is Darksiders. A lot of people called it a Zelda clone and it does have its Zelda elements. The story and themes in the game are not something you would ever see Nintendo allowing with the Zelda series. PatMan calls it Zelda for adults and that is the perfect description for it. Some of the environmental puzzles are a pain, so you will be reminded of Zelda.

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PatMan Plays Episode 2 : Pac Pix DS

Pac Man. Even after all these years, the lovable yellow circle with the eating disorder still has what it takes to entertain gamers around the world. His name is synonymous with old school arcade gaming and is absolutely legendary among video gamers worldwide. Since the games introduction in 1980, Namco has created numerous sequels and countless remakes of their yellow-circled hero, including some great titles recently on XBLA. With the possible exception of Ms Pac Man, however, no sequel has ever came close to capturing the magical feeling of total addiction that the original created, all those years ago.  With the Nintendo DS, of course, comes the possibility for unique forms of game control and game play. Can using dual screens and touch breath new life into the classic franchise, and more importantly, can Pac Pix recapture the original addiction that “Pac Mania” once created in the action/puzzle genre all those years before?

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To Much Bloody Coffee

Oh man I am little sore and feeble this morning. I normal feel the same as I did when I was eighteen until I crash and burn. My body lets me know within twelve hours that I am in fact not eighteen anymore. Sore ribs and a sore elbow is what I battle this morning. Saddest part of it is I basically tripped over a small piece of wire netting stumbled once or twice and boom. One of those times your supremely glad you work alone. Then again I was laughing pretty hard when I got up so I suppose that counts as pointing and laughing.

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The Frankenstein Project – Fable Series

I thought I’d start a new concept I thought would be interesting. You’ll catch on as I go. This is semi-inspired by this thread “Series Where Different Games Had Attributes You Wish Were Together In One Game.” It seems like as a series goes on it either gets better, worse, or both. Fable is no exception. What I’m trying to accomplish here is discuss how each Fable handles different gameplay aspects, events, leveling up, etc. and see what the best happy medium is by combining different concepts of the existing games rather than introducing new concepts.

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