My FPS Philosophy

Most of you reading this fine blog, have heard me complain about faux elite players. Tools who are more interested in kills than they are in being a good teammate. In my mind it takes more than just killing other players to make a good well rounded teammate. Some of you may be thinking that this is just my old man get off the lawn attitude and that I need to get over it. The reality is I base my assertion of what a good player is off of my experiences in Battlefield 1942 and it will never change from that.

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Insomnia Killer

This is one of those messy mornings. Tired and a bit cranky from work already this week. Quickly let me congratulate the university of Auburn on winning the national championship last night in Arizona. You Oregon ducks shouldn’t hang your heads much. You played an excellent game too. I never thought I would cover this much sports in my morning ramblings. Which brings up an interesting point, now that I think about it

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PUCK YOU! Season 2, episode 1 (Repost).


Welcome to Project Wonderboy/Wonderpod Online’s 2010 -2011 NHL season discussion. We got this out a little later than initially planned as the regular season is just underway. However, it is still extremely early into the schedule… anything can happen. This is every team’s chance to succeed or miserably fail. As per usual, this is a panel for the fans (not the stat crunchers, journalists, or over analytical editorialists). It’s for the fans, by the fans. We’re biased around these parts. Let’s get to it, shall we?

Note: This is a repost that originally appeared at Project Wonderboy in October 2010. We will be releasing brand new episodes of PUCK YOU! throughout the season here at As a result, it makes sense to reintroduce the first installment of the 2010-2011 NHL season for your perusal.
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Wonderpod Highlight Reel, Episode 1

What is going on people? This is PatMan, one of the voices of Wonderpod and I hope that you are all enjoying the new official home for Wonderpod Videogame podcast.  It has come to my attention that some of you may not have downloaded all the  past episodes of Wonderpod or maybe you have  missed a few shows here and there? Not to worry, Patman has you covered with some Highlights of past shows. This is a series that I will be calling  “Wonderpod Highlight reel” , a place where I post a couple of  video highlights of past episodes for you to catch up on over at iTunes or download at  , later on. So, check out the videos and enjoy the first episode of  the Wonderpod  Highlight reel

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A Tired Mind Speaks

Yesterday at work I believe solved the problem of do nothing career politicians in American government. The process is simple instead these silly elections we just make it like jury duty. That’s right select people at random to go run the country for say ten days. We would only pay them a small fee so it is less attractive then their normal job. Everybody would hate going, so work would get done. No more partisan bickering and pandering to the public to get reelected. Could you imagine that it would be hilarious and productive.

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Shovelface News (1/9/11)

I have written three introductions for this news post and hated every one of them. Starting is always the hardest part for me in doing these. I know there are things to be said that should entertain or annoy you the gentle reader. Yet kick)ing the whole mess off has always been the problem. Should I lead with a random note before slapping a more tag in your face? Perhaps I should just recite a poem involving roses that are red. Hey looks like we made it far enough in for the tag, awesome!

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Power Poll: 1/9/11… Still Animated, still Giffy…

Another week. But this is the first week of the New Year, and let’s see how things round out to kick off 2011. Hopefully, we’ll be able to compare this next year to the rankings to start off 2012… but until then:
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An Introduction

Well hey there, how’s it going? Have we not met before?  I assume not.  Well it’s nice, excuse me, awesome to meet you.  My name is Glasenator, sometimes Glaser or Daniel…but you can just keep it simple and call me Glasenator.  In case you’re wondering, I was the special guest on the most recent episode of Wonderpod and by some fluke of nature the other guys on the show thought it would be a good idea to bring me onto the Wonderpod Team.  So here I am now, writing for this newborn baby of a site.  Which is ironic because I have no idea what I’m going to write about after I finish this introduction piece.  But that’s another bridge to cross when I get there, so let’s just try to take it one step at a time.  What’s that, you have a question?

“O.K. so I know your name now…but seriously who the **** are you?”
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PatMan Plays. Episode 1- Kinect Sports !

Welcome to the first ever “PatMan Plays” on our brand new website, Wonderpodonline.  I am PatMan and , as those of you who listen to our podcast know, I tend to play videogames.  “PatMan Plays” is where you will see and read what I play. I might be playing Halo reach online with listeners of the show,  playing and reviewing Nintendo DS games, or even bouncing around like a loon with Kinect. I suppose I play a lot of different things, but here at Wonderpod Online is where you will see some of them.
In my first episode I bring you  a youtube video of me playing Kinect Sports. If you are a friend of our Facebook page, “Wonderpod Online” you may have already seen this video, but heck its funny and worth watching it again, I say!  Watch as special guest stars the wonderpod dancers give it up for you ! Ha.
Enjoy, and I will see you on the next Wonderpod videogame podcast, and right back here soon!

This Just In(1/8/2011)

Second day of the new website and the first piece of morning news. I have always had it in mind to do something like this. A little blurb to start your day or more accurately my day. While I am calling it news, it will end up being whatever is on my mind when I site down to write it. Basically I stole the format for Penny Arcade and what Tycho does over there with news post. I always liked the way he does those, so I thought why not do it myself. I even called the category for this The Not Tycho News. I will do one of these hopefully every day, but will see what life thinks of that plan. Feel free to join me as I ramble.

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