Now, at first glance, this seems like a huge year. After all, there are 50 games! This was certainly a strong year for RPGs in that there were a LOT, but not so much in terms of quality. I’m confident in my top 5, but the runner ups…oh, the runner ups. ANYWAY, let’s hop right […]
Posts Tagged ‘role’
RPG of the Year – 2004
You think last year was a big year? Ha ha ha! This year, there are 49 games! Madness! Let’s do this thang!
RPG of the Year – 2003
This is a HUGE year. There are 45 games! This is also the first year we’re seeing a mobile game on the list. While you’d think this would make it hard for me to choose, just a simple glance at this list and I can already tell what’s what. Read on to find out!
Retropod – Episode 4
No, we are NOT dead actually! Behold, another brand spanking new episode of Retropod! May your loins quiver with excitement and possibly excrement! Enjoy!
RPG of the Year – 2002
This was a surprisingly dry year, at least compared to last year. There are only 18 games this time and sadly, not all of them are great. Let’s hop into it!
RPG of the Year – 2001
Back by popular demand that I just happened to find under the sofa, I present yet another GoTY article! This was a tough year. I mean, REALLY tough. It’s bad when you’ve played half the games on the list and LOVED them. Yeah, THAT bad. Anyway, after some deliberation, I think I’ve come up with […]
Brad Jones talks “Hooker with a Heart of Gold”
Having run across an earlier interview for Punk globe, I was shocked to see you live out in Springfield, Illinois, being from the Moline/East Moline area of the Quad Cities myself; I have to know how it was to film out there? Filming movies like I do is a billion times easier to do in […]
RPG of the Year – 2000
On a very cautious basis, I’m going to start heading INTO THE FUTURE! There are 37 games this year. This was one of the toughest years I’ve encountered so far…possibly the toughest. In advance, I’d like to say that making the top 5 list this time around was NOT easy and as a result, a […]
FPS of the Year – 1992
So yeah, I decided to talk about 1992 after all. 1992 is a year you should familiarize yourself with when it comes to gaming. Sure, there were a lot of cool things going on in the console world, but the PC gaming market was especially interesting. I already briefly went over Terminator 2029 and Gun […]
Adventure Game of the Year – 1992
There were 17 games this year. While certain titles were obvious runner ups for me, it took some time to decide #3. Sure, I already pretty much had in mind what I wanted for the top 2, but the 3rd was especially elusive for a time. This was an…interesting…year for adventure games. You’ll start to […]