Posts Tagged ‘vg’

Thousand Arms

General Overview Blacksmithing, RPGs, and dating sims collide in Thousand Arms, a game where smooth talking the ladies can help power up your weapons as well as earn you new spells and abilities. Atlus scores yet another hit on this playstation classic that blends multiple genres, lots of great humor, and much more. See? Being […]


General Overview Usually when you throw several genres together, it just doesn’t work, especially when you’re dealing with older titles. ActRaiser is a shining example of how it CAN work, however, throwing a qualified action game very similar to that of the Castlevania games into the mix of a God sim whereupon you also level […]

Shin Megami Tensei – Devil Survivor

General Overview It’s Shin Megami Tensei as an SRPG on a portable. If that doesn’t get you going, consider the fact that there’s an interesting time mechanic, it’s based around survival, and you can change peoples’ fates. Still not enough? How about the fact that it has excellent music, visuals, difficulty, demon auctions, and a […]

Dungeons of Dredmor

Available For: Linux, Mac, PC (reviewed) Developer(s): Gaslamp Games Release Date: 2011 Rating: NR Archetype(s): Dungeon Crawler, Roguelike, RPG General Overview Dungeons of Dredmor is easily one of the best roguelike RPGs out there as it’s stuffed with all kinds of options, classes, difficulty settings, and now even DLC. The game is easy to pick […]

Epiphany – Shitty Sequels

When I heard there was going to be a new Shadowrun game, I was stoked. I remembered playing the SNES Shadowrun and thinking it was cool, then more recently playing the Genesis version and thinking it was absolutely badass. I couldn’t wait for the new Shadowrun. Then it came out…and I was thoroughly disappointed. Seriously, […]

Under the Scope – Stealth in Videogames

For me, stealth is a very mixed bag. I really appreciate games that allow you to use stealth, but don’t completely shove it down your throat with unnecessary and unforgiving trial and error sequences. The early Splinter Cell games were a perfect example of this in action. It’s very hard to get stealth “right,” especially […]

Retropod – Episode 6

What is going on ladies and germs and germ infested ladies? Today I bring you another brand new exciting new car smellin’ episode of RETROPOOOOOOOOOOD!!1 In this new year episode, we go over everything from what we’ve been doing to the Wonderpod Top 50 and much, much more! Have your ears a listen!

5 Things I Hate About Skyrim

Skyrim has hit most gamers’ Game of the Year for 2011, if not their personal top 10 list. In saying that, I must admit it’s one of the finest games I’ve ever played. There are a few problems, however, that could have been ironed out to make the game even more fantastic and unfortunately these […]

The Fantastic World of Japanese Games – Episode 5

Sometimes the mere mentioning that a game had RPG elements was enough to shelf the idea to bring it over. You’re going to see me pulling this excuse a lot because for every Mega Man, Castlevania, TMNT, Mario, Zelda, and whatever title that came out, you’d have a dozen or so RPGs that didn’t quite […]

The Fantastic World Of Japanese Games – Episode 4

Sometimes a game is deemed “too weird” to come to American soil. This doesn’t happen all the time and usually when it does, it’s for good reason. I mean, I guess so. All three of the games highlighted here definitely have their quirks, but should still definitely have come to America. Sadly, all three are […]