WWE NXT 01/25/2011: Wait… What? Watchable?

It happened on WWE’s NXT program of all places. This FORCED me to rewind while having it on in the background…

I’m not reviewing the whole show. What I am posting is a superb free-TV match of the new year thus far. It was a solid actual wrestling match. Yes. Like I just wrote… on NXT. We don’t even have a category for that show ’round these parts, fella.

Note: none of the following involves Sheamus, unless you count the Royal Rumble highlight video promoting this weekend’s PPV.

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Crysis Tough

Well the week is flying by and it’s closer to the recording of Wonderpod. For once I am happy about it as there are things a foot for this weekend. I am normally not a social guy, but a few times a year I do like to attend some events and catch up with people I haven’t seen in a while. The trick will be to not drink to much. As I get a few more years under my belt, karma has decided I am to be blessed with horrible hangovers these days.

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Epic Crysis on X-box 360! Which demo will you play most, today?

Today is a  pretty lucky day for many of us X-box 360 shooter fans. It is the day that not one but two big name shooters for 2011 are releasing an online demo for us to potentially become addicted with. Call me crazy, but its almost too much of a good thing, in my opinion

RPG of the Year – 1991

This was actually a tough year for me to choose through games. There were a lot of PC RPGs, naturally, but the problem is a lot of them, yet again, are not very easy to simply pick up and play. Most of them require thorough understanding of the manual or perhaps prior knowledge of the series in general to truly appreciate the experience.
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Video Games Are Good

Tuesday morning, almost the end of January. Where did the bloody month go already. I know where it went, work and video games. Speaking of video games, Both the Bullet Storm and Crysis 2 demos drop today. I will be playing both and might even give you an impressions post or something. On top of that PatMan and I have been working through a co-op game. Good things are coming to Wonderpod-Online here soon.

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Bull For Sale

Good Monday morning to you fine people in Internet land. Feeling like a truck hit me and then backed up to finish the job. Sadly this week will prove to be the busiest one of the new year. Oh well sleep is for the weak and the lazy. Several things are buzzing around my brain and now your going to get subjected to them. No need to thank me, I know you all love me for puking words on to the page.

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Halo Reach: Evaluating the “Forgetacular Contest.”

On October 14, 2010, Bungie announced that they were going to have a contest in which players of Halo: Reach could design and submit their forge-designed levels. Early into January of 2011, the first batch of nine levels were released to the online community and the crew here at Wonderpod Online has chimed in collectively to evaluate these nine maps.
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Videogame News. Crysis and Duke

Welcome to a new segment here on Wonderpod-online. Im calling it simply, and very unoriginally, “videogame news”.  This is where I find something interesting in the world of videogames, and quickly discuss it. Hardly an earth shattering new idea by any means, but when Patman, or any of the other crew for that matter, see something news worthy or of interest you might just see it posted here on the main page from time to time. I shall discuss some of my thoughts on the matter and who knows , some of these stories may even appear on future Wondepod episodes as well. You will just have to keep downloading the podcast and returning to the website to find out. I have 2 news stories for you all to enjoy today. One of which may amaze some gamers while the other is bound to enrage gamers.

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The Great Khali: Don’t ask him for an autograph.

On January 21, 2011, around 11:30 PM, The Mediocre Khali’s drunken bodyguard decided to begin shooting his gun into a surging crowd of children and adults. Khali is reported to have been leaving the home of the Deputy Speaker of the Punjab State Assemby, Mr. Satpal Gosain at the time.
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