Sunday (re)posts

Yesterday with my archive post I gave you another thrilling episode of Sandy Toaster Pant’s. I decided to switch it up a little bit and give you an old list post today. This comes from a time when the use of videos and lists post at the Morphine Nation was a hot topic for debate. I wrote this one and others to not only support list post’s, but to be a giant jack ass to the people who didn’t like them. This one was entitled things you never say to a cop.

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Power Poll: January 21st, 2011

Back for another installment of the Power Poll! There was some significant movement for some grapplers, and very little for others. Let’s get to it!
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Kinect living statues talk about!

As those of you who listen to our podcast know, I am a pretty big fan of Kinect.  Amazingly, by some mysteriously magical and mystical turn of events, the living statues that  I unlocked while playing Kinect Adventures have really come to life with personalities and opinions of their very own, as already seen in some of my previous youtube videos. Well, it looks like they are at it yet again. This time around the living statues discuss our new website, Watch the video below and see what they are up to this time around. And who knows, if MS doesn’t send me a “cease and desist” order, maybe the living statues of Kinect Adventures will return again sometime with even more shenanigans!

Saturday (re)post

Once again it is Saturday and that means digging out a post from my archives. Last week I started you off with the first Episode of Mister Sandy Toaster Pant’s and his adventures. This week we will move on to episode two in that fine series. If you happen to miss the first episode it can be found here.

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Wonderpod Episode 49

It is Wonderpod time again. Hope your Friday is treating you well, mine is trying to drag me under a bus. We gathered together last night and got another episode cobbled together using mostly garden gnome cookie magic. Sadly there were no zombies involved. Here is what we rambled on about

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One More For The G Man

Well good morning to you fine people of Wonderpod-Online. I am currently working on the podcast and writing this at the same time. Now that is what I call multitasking and it is all for you. The podcast recording went great last night. It seems whenever we record a good show that there is always technical difficulties with the audio file. There is nothing so broken that it can’t be fixed and you won’t notice it when listening. It is  still a bloody nuisance. Pamela and Skype share quite the abusive relationship apparently

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iMPACT: 01/20/11

Holy crap I am tired… barely slept last night, and now I am going to watch some iMPACT. This is probably the best mindset to hit good ol’ Crash TV in… let’s see what the little promotion that couldn’t served up for us tonight! The only thing I’m privy to remembering is that Karen Angle-Jarrett tells her story about what happened with her and Kurt. And they call wrasslin’ a soap opera….


Question: Will it be a winner?

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Wonderpod Highlight Reel – Episode 2

Welcome to another highlight reel for our podcast, Wonderpod. This is where you can get a chance to catch up on episodes you may have missed as we , hopefully, entice you to subscribe on iTunes or download the mp3 at This time around the highlight reel is a very recent show. It was our debut episode for 2011 and, honestly, it is a big one. (Thats what SHE said)!   We announced our brand new website and also introduced a new member of the crew, Glasenator.  So sit back and watch my short highlight reel for wonderpod episode 47, then why don’t you download the full podcast in all its glory? There is a lot of fun to be heard in the full podcast that just wont fit into a youtube video.
As always, we thank you all for your support. I will see you on the next wonderpod episode this week and right back here with the next “Wonderpod highlight reel”, soon!

Adventure Game of the Year – 1990

This time around I will changing things up a bit. I will only be doing a top 3 for each year and I’m hoping that will suffice as some years have barely any adventure titles released. I’m also trying to be as accurate as possible, which is proving to be difficult considering most of these are labeled either incorrectly or in poor chronological order on Wiki. In fact, let me know if something’s out of place or missing on these as I’ve been updating their “official” list with THEIR OWN INFORMATION…so yeah.
This time around I will changing things up a bit. I will only be doing a top 3 for each year and I’m hoping that will suffice as some years have barely any adventure titles released. I’m also trying to be as accurate as possible, which is proving to be difficult considering most of these are labeled either incorrectly or in poor chronological order on Wiki. In fact, let me know if something’s out of place or missing on these as I’ve been updating their “official” list with THEIR OWN INFORMATION…so yeah.
This time around I will changing things up a bit. I will only be doing a top 3 for each year and I’m hoping that will suffice as some years have barely any adventure titles released. I’m also trying to be as accurate as possible, which is proving to be difficult considering most of these are labeled either incorrectly or in poor chronological order on Wiki. In fact, let me know if something’s out of place or missing on these as I’ve been updating their “official” list with THEIR OWN INFORMATION…so yeah.
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Disaster Delivered Daily

Hello there if your just joining us for the first time this morning I am very very sorry. I was working on the site and destroyed it. G is currently plotting my death. I am pretty sure he told me he was going to use zombie children. In an effort to make you feel at home have a picture of a zombie kitten. The site should be back to normal shortly.  *Update* I think everything is sort of back to normal.  This also counts as a morning post so the streak continues. Enjoy the kitten